This is my second blog already, and I hope you have read my first one. Let us say, you’ve read my first blog. Then, you turned in this page because you got so much interested with article writing as an online job, well, that’s a good decision continuing to read here. Yes, in this article, let us say again you have already the needed writing skills, here we are going to talk about how you could earn money with the skills that you have. Who knows, you might be able to find a job few minutes after you read this article.
For you to be guided by your guardian angel writer, which is me, we will focus our discussion in four main FAQs for an article writer:
1. Where to find jobs
2. How to market yourself
3. Finding perfect employer/client
4. How much to charge
First, we are going to answer the question, where to find jobs. There are a lot of jobs that can be found online. What you need to find one is a desktop, an internet connection, and then your search engines. Well, online jobs are good channel to showcase one’s skills in writing. One of the best and most trusted sites is the freelancer.com. There are almost thousands of employers who are looking for good writer, just like you there.
There are many out there who are as good article writer as you are, that is why, you should be able to prove that your work has higher quality than that of the others.
Ways to market yourself as an article writer:
1. Always make it clear to the employers the things that you are capable of doing or not.
2. Always give a sample of your work, that way; the employer would be able to know if you really have the skills that they are looking for. Be confident enough! You are good!
3. Make it a point that you will be able to make the employer feel that you are very interested with the project, that way you will be exceptional!
These are the things that should be present in finding a Good Employer:
1. With good reviews from past transactions with other personalities.
2. Easy to talk with and understanding.
3. A good instructor and reach out with you well.
How much to charge?
- The charging of the article does not really depend on the article writer but to the employer himself. Usually, an article would range from $1 to $3 per article, but still depending on the required number of words. Always ensure that before a project is started, things like these will be cleared to avoid misunderstandings! Always remember, as an article writer your aim aside from making a quality article is to earn money!!
Freelancing tips and guides for new freelancers about SEO jobs, Writing Jobs, data entry jobs, link building jobs, web design jobs, graphic design jobs, translation jobs and many more....
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